Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 1, 2013, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Australia

Australia's largest flying bird: the eagle
Ann feeding the Lorikeets
Sheep Shearing
Mob of Kangaroos
We visited the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary located in the same town where Barb and Brad live.  It is a unique place; world renowned for its feeding of huge flocks of wild Rainbow Lorikeets.  Lots of great things to see: eagles and falcons flying; sheep shearing; mob of kangaroos at feeding time; feeding of the Lorikeets; and of course, Koala Bears.  Lots of kangaroos and one of the things we learned about them was startling.  Imagine being pregnant for the rest of your life!  Get this, once a female kangaroo mates, they are pregnant for the rest of their life.  They can give birth every 21 – 28 days.  It doesn't sound like much fun to me.


  1. I so wish I could go back there! Cool fact about the kangaroo; I didn't know that. Did you guys manage to get a picture next to the Wedge-tailed Eagle!?

    1. We did not, so sorry. It was a great day but the lorikeets were not as plentiful as usual. It is mating season as well as the awful weather conditions have
      lessened the ones that come. It still was special. Have a great last semester, it is over before you know it. LOL Grandma
